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The UPSC Civil Services Examination (Preliminary and Mains) in Sikkim is managed by Sikkim Public Service Commission (SPSC) Gangatok. In addition the SPSC conducts the recruitment procedure of Group-'C' and Group-'B' posts and promotion of all Gazetted Posts, disciplinary matters and other matters entrusted by the State Government of Sikkim.
The residents of Sikkim can write UPSC Civil Services Prelims and Mains Examination in Gangtok; its one of the popular cities of the state. Also the office of SPSC is situated here. The UPSC examination is held one in a year in two steps, Prelims and Mains. The Mains examination has two parts Written Examination and Interview. Candidates who find place in the merit list of Civil Services Written Exam are called by the UPSC to appear for Interview in New Delhi.